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Privacy Policy Disclosure

This page describes how we manage the website in relation to the processing of personal data of users who browse it. Pursuant to Art. 13 of the Personal Data Protection Code (Legislative Decree No. 196/2003), this Disclosure is provided to those who interact with web services accessible from:

This Privacy Policy applies solely to the web site and does not extend to any other web sites that the user may visit through any links to the same that may be provided.

By visiting, you accept the contents of this Disclosure.


Subjects involved

Data Controller
The Data Controller is Barbarossa Srl Soc. Agricola in the person of its pro tempore Legal Representative, with headquarters on Strada della Ferriera, sn 61122 Pesaro (PU).

Data Processor
The Data Processor is Retina di Mattiolo, Grespigna, Vaselli S.n.c. with headquarters in Pesaro, Via Filangieri 69, Tel. +39 0541.833687,

Place of data processing
Processing related to the web services of this site take place at the headquarters of the Data Processor, and is performed only by the Company’s technical personnel specifically assigned to data processing.
No data collected or received through the website will be transferred or disclosed to third parties.


Data processed automatically

Browsing data
During normal operations, the computer and software systems which support the functionality of the website collect some personal data whose transmission forms an integral part of the use of Internet communication protocols. These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site, as well as to check its correct functioning, and to allow customers to use the site intuitively and effectively. For complete Disclosure on the use of cookies, please refer to the Cookie Policy.

Optional data
Users can provide the personal data requested in order or site registration forms, as well as Newsletter subscription forms or to receive other communication and information. Failure to provide them make it impossible to fulfill any request.

Any personal data provided by users who wish to subscribe to the Newsletter – e-mail address – are used for the sole purpose of delivering the requested service, consisting in the transmission of periodic communications containing information on new products, offers and promotions, low-stock products, and events. Users can unsubscribe from the Newsletter at any time; in this case, all related data will be immediately deleted, without prejudice to any specific legal obligations for public safety purposes.

Site registration data
Personal data provided by users who wish to register on the site – minimum data: name, surname, physical address and email address, user-created password; additional data: place and date of birth, telephone numbers – are used for the sole purpose of performing the requested service, consisting in special promotions intended for registered users. The data provided for site registration will also be processed to fulfill and confirm orders submitted by users online. Users can delete their accounts at any time; in this case, all account-related data will be deleted within 10 days, without prejudice to any specific legal obligations relating to accounting obligations and for public safety purposes.

Data provided for order processing
The site also allows unregistered users to make purchases. In this case, unregistered customers will be asked to provide data – name, surname, physical address and email address, billing information, delivery address if other than the domicile address, and, for residents abroad, place and date of birth.

Data provided for the purchase of a Gift Card
In case of purchase of a Gift Certificate, buyers can name additional recipients other than themselves. In this case, the buyers will be asked to provide the recipient’s name and email address for Gift Card delivery. The recipient’s information will be kept until the Gift Card is used in full and, in any case, for the time necessary to provide the service requested and any related accounting requirements.

Other data provided voluntarily by the user
The voluntary sending of e-mail messages to the addresses indicated on this site involves the subsequent collection of the sender’s address needed for responding to requests, and any other personal data included in the message.

Payment data
Payment data are acquired directly by PayPal and are never received by or transit through the website therefore, please refer to the website for information about data processing, being Barbarossa Srl Soc. Agricola not liable for any matter concerning the aforementioned site.

Data for tax compliance
For the purpose of preparing tax documentation pursuant to the laws in force, users will be asked to provide the following information: Name, Surname, Residential address, Tax identification number, VAT no. (if VAT is applicable). NOTE: pursuant to Italian Presidential Decree 633/1972 and Article 21 of Italian Legislative Decree 78/2010, and subsequent Article 2, paragraph 6, of Italian Legislative Decree 16/2012, users who make a purchase from abroad will also be asked to provide place, country and date of birth, as at their residential address. Failure to provide such data will make it impossible to issue a tax document and, therefore, to proceed further with the order process.

Processing method
Personal data are processed using automated means only for as long as strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they have been collected. Specific security measures will be observed to prevent loss of data, its illicit use, and unauthorised access.

Data security
Data are gathered through the Defende s.a.s. hosting platform and stored at the server farm located on Via Persico, 31 – 26100 Cremona (CR), whose certified safety level is among the best issued in the reference sector.

Disclosure of data
Data provided to Barbarossa Srl Soc. Agricola will be shared with third parties only for the correct delivery of the services requested. In this case, data will be shared with the following subjects:
— public and/or private subjects, for the correct fulfillment of the contractual obligations undertaken, as well as all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements;
— the carrier in charge of delivering and/or collecting the purchased products;
— subjects (including Public Authorities) who have access to data by virtue of regulatory or administrative provisions.
For no reason and under no circumstances will Barbarossa Srl Soc. Agricola share with third parties or disseminate data received other than for the purposes described herein

Rights of data subjects
Those persons to whom the personal data refer have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of such data and to learn of and know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request that it be made complete, or be updated or rectified (art.7 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/2003).
Pursuant to the same article, data subjects have the right to request the deletion or anonymisation of their data, as well as to deny access to data processed in violation of the law, and for legitimate reasons, to object to data processing altogether.



Cookies are small text strings that the sites visited by users send to their computers (usually a browser), where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit by the same users. During browsing, users can also receive cookies on their computers that are sent from different sites or web servers (so-called “third-party” cookies), which may host some elements (such as, for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages of other domains) found on the site being browsed.

The site uses only technical cookies, for which it is not necessary to acquire the prior consent of users, although they can be refused by the latter, as specified below.

Technical Cookies

Pursuant to Art. 122, paragraph 1, of the Personal Data Protection Code (Legislative Decree No. 196/2003), technical cookies are used for the sole purpose of “transmitting a communication over an electronic network, or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide such service”.
Technical cookies are divided into:
— browsing or session cookies, which ensure functional browsing and website use;
— analytics cookies, which, together with web beacons and server logs, allow the aggregate number of visits to the Site to be calculated anonymously, and to identify which parts of the Site are the most popular, in order to make it more functional for users (by way of example, these are IP addresses or domain names of computer of a user who connects to the site, and other parameters relating to the operating system and a user’s IT environment).
— functionality cookies, which allow a user to browse according to a series of selected criteria (for example, language) in order to improve the quality of services provided.

To guarantee greater security in the use of the site, the site and its management software will not store a user’s authentication data for access to the private area of the site: therefore, it is necessary to re-enter these data at each new access.

Third-party cookies may be active on some pages of In relation to data collected through these cookies, it should be noted that they are in no way accessible to Barbarossa Srl Soc. Agricola which, therefore, is not liable for any matter concerning their processing and management; in this regard, please refer to the policies of the applicable Data Controllers:

— Facebook,; — Twitter,; — Pinterest,

Use of Google Analytics
The site interacts with the Google Analytics system, a web analysis system aimed at anonymously understanding how users interact with the site. makes use of aggregate analysis tools for browsing data that help improve the Websites (Web Trends and Google Analytics). Google Analytics uses cookies that are stored on a user’s computer in order to allow the website manager to analyse how users interact with the sites. The information generated by the cookies on the use of websites by users (including the anonymised IP address through IP masking, i.e., darkening of the last 8 digits) is sent to Google and stored on its servers in the United States. Google will use this information for tracking and evaluating how users interact with the site, as well as for compiling reports on site activity for site operators, and for providing other services relating to site activity and Internet usage. To prevent the storage of Google Analytics cookies on your computer, you need to download the appropriate add-on from, and follow the instructions. For more information, refer to the Google Analytics Cookie Policy:

Duration of cookies

Session cookies
The so-called session cookies are transmitted during a browsing session: these cookies are not stored permanently on a user’s computer and are deleted when the browser is closed. Their use is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server), which are necessary to allow safe and efficient site browsing and do not envisage or allow the acquisition of users’ personal identification data.

Persistent cookies
The so-called persistent cookies are transmitted during a browsing session, but are not deleted when the browser is closed: they are stored permanently on a user’s computer, and recognise a user who has already visited the site at the next visit. Persistent cookies remain on your computer until you delete them, or until they expire. The persistent cookies used by have a maximum duration of 1 year.

Deactivation of Cookies
We remind you that, in any case, by changing the browser settings, users can be notified in advance about the presence of any cookies, and/or automatically reject all of them. We invite you to find out about how to change your browser settings by visiting its official technical support page.
Furthermore, users can disable individual cookies from, or create exceptions to accept them.
List of the Cookies used by 1 technical cookie generated by php.

NOTE: We point out that disabling cookies may cause some services or some sections of the site to work incorrectly.